Build AOSP for HiKey970
Build preparation
The following instructions can be used to attempt a build based on the AOSP master branch. Other branches (such as stable/release branches are not supported).
In this page, we assume that <ANDROID_TOP>
is the top level folder for your Android environment. e.g.:
$ mkdir <ANDROID_TOP>
Then run:
$ repo init -u -b master
$ git clone -b hikey970_v1.0 .repo/local_manifests
$ repo sync -j$(nproc) -c
$ source build/
$ lunch hikey970-userdebug
It might take quite a bit of time to fetch the entire AOSP source code!
Copy Pre-Built Kernel Binaries
Copy kirin970-hikey970.dtb.dtb (kernel/hikey-linaro/arch/arm64/boot/dts/hisilicon/ kirin970-hikey970.dtb) to the device/linaro/hikey-kernel directory as file: kirin970-hikey970.dtb-4.9
Copy the Image file (kernel/hikey-linaro/arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz-dtb) to the device/linaro/hikey-kernel directory as file: Image.gz-hikey970-4.9
Building AOSP
$ make -j$(nproc)
- Proceed to Installation Instructions