It’s been two months since I had the opportunity to visit Mexico and take part in an amazing event around 96Boards, more specifically the DragonBoard 410c…
In light of some up coming events, I dug this bit of writing out of the archive to share with you all.
The Event, and the Winners
96Boards and Qualcomm teamed up with Professors at Tecnologico de Monterrey in Chihuahua, Mexico to sponsor the first ever Smart Cities hackathon around the DragonBoard 410c. Paired with a series of workshops, the students ultimately ended up with 50 hours worth of hack time!
The long week of training and hacking payed off for everyone (especially the 5 winning teams). There were 19 teams with 7 student, each team ranging from freshman to senior levels of undergraduate study in the Mechatronics(technology combining electronics and mechanical engineering.) career program.
Each team was asked to provide an elevator pitch video submission, the recreation of their project on “Instructables” and a final presentation in front of the judges. Most of these videos can be found on the 96Boards YouTube “Mexico Hackathon” playlist - Please subscribe to the channel!
Winning Teams:
1) PassMe (Instructables / Tweet / Submission / Presentation) 2) Smart Boiler (Instructables / Tweet / Submission / Presentation) 3) ComuniCibo (Instructables / Tweet / Submission / Presentation) 4) Brace Yourself (Instructables / Tweet / Submission / Presentation) 5) Super Parking (Instructables / Tweet / Submission / Presentation)
Team PassMe wins first place

Photograph sent by: Prof. Aldo Cortes from Tecnologico de Monterrey
Some hackathon resources
Throughout the course of the hack, students had access to a variety of resources. Not only where there several knowledgable professors available, but representatives from both Qualcomm and 96Boards were on site and ready to help. Along with the onsite help, custom online resources were made available, and within these pages and presentation were links to so much more…
This is only a brief summary of the event. Please poke around the 96Boards YouTube channel to see some of the exciting videos that were created during the hackathon.
We look forward to doing more events like these throughout the world. If you are interested in getting involved with 96Boards, please reach out to me at